since 1978


Nuclear medical protection products

Radioactive waste storage tank

  • Product Name: Radioactive waste storage tank
  • Product category: Nuclear medical protection products
  • Contact Information: 86-13305456411
  • Company name: Shandong Double Eagle Medical Device Co.,Ltd.
  • Company address:No.599 Tonghai Road,High-Tech Industrial Park,Longkou,Shandong Province, China
Product Details

       Radiation protection of nuclear medicine is to protect personnel from ionizing radiation or radioactive substances and to keep the safety of radioactive sources in practice, including measures to achieve such protection and safety, such as various methods or equipment to keep the dose and risk of personnel as low as reasonably achievable and lower than the prescribed bundle value, As well as various measures to prevent accidents and mitigate the consequences of accidents.
       Radioactive substances in the decay reaction can release a variety of rays, they often have adverse effects on the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to find a substance that can "block" these rays as a container. The radioactive waste storage barrel is the most commonly used source storage container.
Principles of Radiological Protection:
(1) Legitimization of practice: in order to prevent unnecessary exposure, any practice with radiation exposure must be justified by proper judgment, and it must be confirmed that this practice has a legitimate reason, and the net benefit obtained exceeds the price paid.
(2) Optimization of practice: we should avoid all unnecessary exposure, and get the maximum benefits with the minimum cost under the condition of considering social and economic factors, so as to keep all exposure at a reasonable and low level as far as possible.
(3) Individual dose limit: while adhering to the principles of rationalization of radiation practice and optimization of radiation protection, the individual exposure should also be limited, that is, the individual exposure dose should not exceed the specified limit, so as to reduce the incidence of random effects to an acceptable level.